I dyed this acrylic/wool dk yarn awhile ago with Kool-Aid just to see how the dyed patterns would knit up. Well, I acccomplished that, I guess. But the socks were just a tad too small to be comfortable. Nevertheless I wore them to work one day. Yes, just the one with the another dyed sock on the other foot. I was desperate to share. An unexpected rain, no wait, deluge happened on the way home. Bus driver wouldn't stop at the curb but instead stopped in the middle of the street. Waded through a huge puddle of first-rain-of-the-season-road-grime in my newly knitted socks.
So here we are a few years later deciding to unravel Sock A and try again. Wish me luck.
Here's the pic for the archives in case this just doesn't work out.

Sock A
Here's a big list of sock patterns by weight of yarn.
Socks by WeightDecisions, decisions!

Zigzag Cuff Socks
Diana's String Doodle Socks
Mother-in-Law's Socks
Toe Up Leaf Lace Socks
Blueberry Waffle Socks
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