Gaby just had a strawberry shampoo and now she is looking for a way to escape. She did smile for her picture, though.
Blue Flax
Hi Everybody
I've loved to knit since my Aunty taught me the knit stich when I was twelve or so. She didn't know how to purl. Every time my Mom and I went to a discount department store I could buy my little stash of yarn. Now that I think back I was pretty good at designing and knitting some cool stuff.
Fast forward through life. I'm now retired living in Needles, CA, USA. I know, the nearest populated area to HADES! And I'm rekindling my love of knitting and all things fiber. I spin and weave too. My new discount yarn stash is coming along nicely and I have all of you bloggers to thank. If you felt a warm presence at your blog lately, it was me enjoying all the cool stuff you've done.
The socks are awesome, Cookie's one hell of a designer, isn't she?
But, being an established shoe 'ho, what'd I'd like to know is where did you get those cute shoes! Love them.
Hi la, Thanks for commenting at my blog. My first, yippee. I got that picture from the Knitty site so I guess those shoes are Cookie's!
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